Finally starting a new track:
22.11.2016: After more than 6 month of interruption Ansgar started composing a new track today.
Getting a Roland JV1080:
Ansgar getting a small DIY Synth as a present:
08.10.2016: From his danish fan Kalle Christensen, Ansgar got a small DIY Synth as a present.
Getting a proper mixing desk:
Discovering a new instrument and practicing playing live: Ansgar is just discovering a new instrument. Alwin borrowed him his guitar. He also starts practicing playing his instruments live.
Ansgar gets his Arturia Microbrute: After 5 month of working in the household and strictly saving his money Ansgar ordered his Microbrute two days ago. Today it arrived and Ansgar is very happy and satisfied with his new instrument.
21.04.2016: He was so nervous he couldn´t stand waiting in the house. He went outside for about 30 minutes until the DHL van arrived.
21.04.2016: There it is! A used one but in new condition with original packaging.
21.04.2016: Come out of your box my new friend.
21.04.2016: His main instruments ready to be used.
Ansgar at the computer museum: On easter sunday we visited the city of Paderborn with the family. One of the many attractions of Paderborn is the Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum, worlds largest computer museum. Ansgar was happy to see some music systems and he discovered some gear he has in his own studio like the Atari 1040 ST and the Alesis Midiverb 4.
27.03.2016: Ansgar in front of the famous Fairlight CMI Music System.
27.03.2016: He was very happy and proud to find an Atari 1040ST computer like his own at the museum.
27.03.2016: Composing a little melody.
A new synth for Ansgar: A few day ago our neighbour told us he has an old Yamaha SY-22 synthesizer in his basement. Never tell Ansgar and me you have an old unused synth.... this really makes us curious and want to have the instrument if its a good one. Today we got the SY-22 from our neighbour and decided to share the instrument and the cost of buying it. For his second track Ansgar needs some good pad sounds which the SY-22 can deliver. So Ansgar is the first of us to use our new synthesizer. He replaced his very limited Technics SX-K450 keyboard with the SY-22.
29.02.2016: Ansgar is happy about the new synthesizer.
29.02.2016: This was stored in a basement for years. Now its time to play it again!
Working on the second track:
26.02.2016: Yesterday Ansgar made the first steps to his second track. Today he really worked on it and made good progress.
26.02.2016: For a decent track you need a minimum of gear. Ansgar hasn´t enough until now so I bought some new effects for myself and gave him my old Yamaha REV-500 and Alesis Midiverb 4 as a gift. I also borrowed him my Bassstation Rack and my Microkorg.
26.02.2016: He started with some chords.
26.02.2016: Next came a sequence and the bass.
26.02.2016: Ansgar is happy with the progress he made even if the track isn´t finished.
An afternoon at Musik Produktiv:
19.02.2016: Ansgar in front of the Musik Produktiv building. Well, inside it will be warmer.
19.02.2016: Ansgar trying out a Bass Station 2.
19.02.2016: Amazing sounds are coming out of the Korg Arp Odyssey.
19.02.2016: Besides synths he is also a little bit interested in guitars and looks for the prices.
19.02.2016: His first encounter with Hihats.
19.02.2016: Playing A minor and using the joystick on this Korg keyboard
19.02.2016: The new Roland JD-Xa is also nice.
19.02.2016: This is a completely new kind of keyboard by the seaboard company.
19.02.2016: This one allowes to play with much more expression as on a traditional keyboard. But you have to learn playing this way and its not cheap.
19.02.2016: It has no sound engine inside but enables to play every usb controlled softsynth.
19.02.2016: "Who placed the Korg MS-20 so stupid I can´t reach it?"
19.02.2016: Ansgar also liked the Roland TR-8 drummachine.
Getting the Behringer Edison: After a forced break of two weeks because of lack of attention in school Ansgar got the cables of his music system back, yesterday. With school its going on better now and I hope it will stay this way.
After a few failures we finally found a cheap offer for a Behringer Edison sound processor. The item came with the post today. Now he has all devices he needs for a recording with good sound quality. With my help we will finally record the piece of music he worked on during the last weeks.
17.02.2016: Ansgar is still at school but in front of his music system there is a parcel waiting for him.
17.02.2016: There he is and starts unpacking very curious.
17.02.2016: Yeah, what comes out of it?
17.02.2016: A Behringer Edison. After a few failures we finally found a good offer for it in the small advertisements.
17.02.2016: "It should be placed here in my little rack. "
17.02.2016: Done! I installed the Edison (silver device on the bottom) for Ansgar and made the connections.
17.02.2016: "Now I will listen how my music systems sounds with the Edison."
17.02.2016: "I´m playing a G major7 chord on my Microkorg."
17.02.2016: "With the Edison all instruments sounds spacier and fatter. Fantastic!"
Playing the Graphic Synthesizer:
Writing notes for the first time:
Working on my first track:
20.01.2016: Who is sitting in his little music studio?
20.01.2016: First I have to think how I will go on with my piece of music.
20.01.2016: I start with copying this track to another sound.
20.01.2016: Wow, this sounds good.
20.01.2016: Making music is fun.
A denoiser for his birthday: