Studiowork with a little change:
28.12.2021: I´m just working on a new piece of music for my next album. Do you recognize a little change?
A letter from Jean Michel Jarre:
24.11.2021: In September a friend of me an Dad who is also a friend of synthesizer maestro Jean Michel Jarre handed him over a letter and two of my CD´s and this autograph card. Today I got this letter back from monsieur Jarre. Thats something I´m really proud of. Very big thanks to our friend in common.
Just some studiowork:
11/2021: I´m working on the a new piece of music called "The last days of freedom".
"A new journey" featured on Schallplatte 24 compilation:
28.09.2021: In May I composed the track "A new journey". Now it has become a part of the annual Schallwende CD compilation Schallplatte 24. I´m very proud the jury instantly liked my music.
Meeting Yogie Smith:
12.08.2021: On my holiday journey with Dad I visited our friend and musician Yogie Smith in his studio in Mainz.
In studio with Carlos Perón:
09.08.2021: Meeting with electronic music legend Carlos Perón in his studio and preparing a music project we will do together.
In a friends studio:
08.08.2021: On the first day of my holiday journey with Dad we visited a friend near Bonn. Here I´m trying out the synths of his studio.
Recording vocals in Dad´s studio:
19.07.2021: For the new version of my well known track Porsche 911 I´m recording new vocal samples in Dad´s studio.
Wonderful fan art from Australia:
19.06.2021: My track Runnig Electrons has been featured on the sequences-magazine podcast from Australia. Mick Dundee Garlick created this wonderful announcement for his podcast. Thank you very much Mick.
Porsche 911 track recovered:
06.06.2021: Dad managed to recover the midi files of my track Porsche 911 which haven´t been working for years. So it will be much easier for me to do a new version of this track.
In studio with my sister Astrid Stock and my father Matt Stock:
06.06.2021: My sister Astrid, Dad and me all composed a piece of music for the Schallwende compilation Schallplatte 24. Lets see which of these three tracks the jury will choose; if at all.
Visiting my friend Jens in his studio:
24.05.2021: For the first time in two years I managed to visit Jens in his studio near Münster.
24.05.2021: An afternoon with playing around on synths was big fun.
Composing "A new journey" for the Schallplatte 24 compilation:
19.05.2021: I´m trying to finish my new track "A new journey" until the end of the month.
19.05.2021: This track will be my application for the Schallplatte 24 compilation and I´m a little bit in a hurry.
Running Electrons on Electronic Fusion 297:
15.05.2021: Running Electrons has been played on the well known Electronic Fusion show which is broadcastet in Germany, USA and Chile. Thank you very much Jos Verboven.
My new single Running Electrons has been released on Bandcamp:
02.05.2021: https://ansgar1.bandcamp.com/track/running-electrons
Playing Mum´s RAV Vast again, maybe regularly:
13.04.2021: My mum is also a musician and plays RAV Vast drums. Here I´m trying out one of her drums and I really like it.
Porsche Drive 2021 - a remix by Rodrigo Passannanti:
07.04.2021: The well known italian musician Rodrigo Passannanti made a wonderful Synthwave version of my track Porsche Drive. In early 2022 this remix and many others will be released on a remix album. Thank you very much Rodrigo Passannanti.
Working on "Running Electrons":
09.03.2021: One year ago I composed "Running Electrons" as a demo but didn´t finished the production. So I´m just recreating what I accomplished last year.
09.03.2021: Now lets find some nice additional sounds an finish it.
In my studio with Dad:
24.02.2021: Today Dad was in my studio and gave me some advices to finish my track "On top of the mountain". We had some arguments but as you see we were happy together in the end. ;)
The rehearsal room is almost finished:
14.02.2021: During the last weeks a rehearsal room in the basement was installed. Except some audio connections its basically done.
A rehearsal room in the basement:
08.02.2021: Behind our basement door there is a little surprise.
08.02.2021: Dad and me built a little rehearsal room for practicing playing live and maybe doing some live playing videos.
The next synthesizer bargain. A mint condition Korg Poly800:
30.01.2021: I bought this wonderful mint condition Korg Poly 800 from a former classmate.
30.01.2021: One of the numbered switches seemed to be defunct but after pressing it a few times it works without problems. That´s a nice synth with original 1980´s sounds.
Casio VZ-1 synthesizer bargain on a sunny winter day:
25.01.2021: Dad found a bargain Casio VZ-1 synthesizer in a region 150 km south of my hometown. Here its real winter conditions. What a nice surprise.
25.01.2021: I haven´t seen snow conditions in years so I was really happy to be here.
25.01.2021: I bought this mint condition Casio VZ-1 synthesizer for a pocket money price.
25.01.2021: This instrument definetely sounds different from all my other synthesizers. That was a really good day.
Homeschooling in Dad´s studio:
11.01.2021: Since mid december my school is closed because of the covid situation. So I´m now doing homeschooling daily in Dad´s studio. I like this much better than visiting school.
Finally getting a memory expanded Atari 1040 STE:
08.01.2021: For years I had the problem that my Atari 1040STF didn´t had enough RAM to compose my music the way I wanted. Today I bought myself this expanded Atari 1040STE and can now compose without limitations.
Starting work on a new track:
07.01.2021: A new year, a new piece of music. I just started composing another track for my next album.